Thursday, February 10, 2005

Important Blog Update (And I needed a page break between this and the Duke/UNC rant)

I'm making the first major addition to the blog since adding (Irish) to the title, so do please pay attention.

Due to the fact that sometimes I feel lazy and don't want to update, and yet I'm yelled at everytime there's not something up, I needed a way to keep this thing fresh without driving myself crazy, especially if I start writing a little sports for The Observer or want to take up underwater basket weaving.

This coincides nicely with Patrick spending a lot of his time on his computer, headphones on, scanning for ridiculous links from random Southern newspapers. So I figured "Hey, why not just give a key to the castle to Patrick so that when you're bored, odds are pretty good you'll be able to find something relatively interesting to keep your attention?".

Now, Patrick is worried people won't like this, and I think that's ridiculous. The more the merrier is how I look at it*, so now you'll be able to find random links that our favorite Georgian digs up as he travels the internet - essentially the only thing he does around here besides napping. If there's ever any confusion, just check out the little name at the end, although I'm sure you'll be able to tell the difference between Pat's gentle Southern twang and my nasty ways.

So coming next, you're going to get my reaction to how terribly overrated both Duke and (Have mercy on me, MC and Ni) UNC are, and an exciting preview to what will hopefully be the first lesbian kiss on The OC. Happy OC Thursday, the only day of true love in all the land.

* - I don't actually look at it as the more merrier, but that looks nice up there. I really look at it as "I have full editorial control, plus the ability to just take away Patrick's key should I choose." That won't happen, and hopefully I'll be able to ad more random linksters and maybe get Livey to do a Top Five list every couple days or so. We shall dream.

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