Friday, August 03, 2007

Happy Friday

Lot of stuff to eventually get to later - Jimmy Fallon in late night (?!), the new Real World (looks somewhere between "really annoying" and "really awesome", the final straw in this Pirate season and the troubles of Mr. Obama - but in honor of The Simpsons Movie (which was okay; not great, but not as bad as Rob would tell you), how about a little cartoon wars?

Also, while I've never gotten into the Bourne movies, apparently I should, as the new one is rocking out at 93% on the Tomatometer and somehow might be better than Casino Royale and Live Free or Die Hard. Also, we're officially two weeks until Superbad. A few of us are heading to Sean's Fortress of Solitude/cabin by the lake next weekend, and we're thinking this probably won't help getting about town:

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